(some of) My Story

I am an Assistant Professor (Italian equivalent of RTDA) in Statistics at the MEMOTEF Department of Sapienza University of Rome, Italy. Previously, I was a Postdoc in Biostatistics at the MRC - Biostatistics Unit of University of Cambridge, UK, part of the former Design and Analysis of Randomised Trials Group, recently renamed to Efficient Study Design.

I did my PhD in Methodological Statistics at Sapienza University of Rome (Italy). During my PhD, I spent my time between my home university and two hosting universities, which I joined as a Visiting PhD Scholar. First, the National University of Singapore, specifically at the Duke-NUS Medical School, where I worked under the supervision of Bibhas Chakraborty on Reinforcement Learning (RL) and MABs algorithms applied in Modern Biostatistics. Second, the Computer Science Department of University of Toronto (Canada), under the supervision of Joseph Jay Williams, where I am also part of the Intelligent Adaptive Interventions Lab, and a collaborator of Multi-armed bandits (MABs) based adaptive experiments, such as the Berkeley DIAMANTE study and the GoodLife Fitness project.

In a previous life, I worked as a biostatistician at the GIMEMA Foundation (Rome), and I have been actively involved in cancer and health-related research projects, included the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer projects and the PROMOTION Registry.


Academic and Professional Experiences


Long-term Visitor

MRC - Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge

February 2022 – Present Cambridge, UK

Assistant Professor (RTDA)

MEMOTEF, University of Rome La Sapienza

December 2021 – Present Rome, Italy

Research Associate

MRC - Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge

May 2021 – December 2021 Cambridge, UK

Research Assistant

MRC - Biostatistics Unit, University of Cambridge

November 2020 – April 2021 Cambridge, UK

Visiting PhD Scholar

Computer Science Department, University of Toronto

February 2020 – March 2020 Toronto, Canada

Visiting PhD Scholar

Center for Quantitative Medicine, Duke-NUS, National University of Singapore

April 2019 – July 2019 Singapore, Singapore

PhD Student

DSS, University of Rome La Sapienza

November 2017 – March 2021 Rome, Italy

Biostatistician and Data Manager

GIMEMA Foundation

June 2016 – June 2018 Rome, Italy